Teaching & Travel Schedule for 2021
Click on the "MONTH" for details
LONDON, ENGLAND May 1-2 & May 8-9, 2021
May, 2021
Teaching "Basic Alchemy" with Concord Institute, London England For registration & further details, please contact Concord Institute. |
Basic Alchemy -- Essentials of Macrobiotics & Oriental Healing
This is the 13th year that Michael has presented this course in London. Due to the pandemic, the 2020 workshop was cancelled, but in 2021 it will be presented live via Zoom. It has been newly revised and made more interactive and easy to absorb and utilize. It will be on two weekends from 1:30 - 7:30 pm UK time (which is 8:30 am - 2:30 pm) East coast USA time. For complete details click HERE. To ask any questions or register your place, please contact Charlotte Hopper on +44 7834 496 625 / +44 20 7607 1140 / (From USA, dial 011 before the phone number) or email her at [email protected] |
Online Macrobiotic Summer Conference
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
7:30-9:00 pm Teaching at the Online Macrobiotic Summer Conference Sponsored by Planetary Health For registration & further details, contact www.macrobioticsummerconference.com |
The Two Pillars For Health
The body has two essential powers for providing vitality and strong immunity. These can weaken gradually, whether from aging or poor lifestyle habits, leading to myriad health problems. In this talk you will learn how to strengthen and sustain these powers for a higher quality of life. In Oriental healing, the two primal powers that sustain our lives are Blood and Qi (energy). Blood is created by our foods, and importantly, through the quality of digestion, the transmutation of foods. The power to transform food creates new blood, which directly affects our physical, emotional and mental health. The other core energy, Qi, is controlled by Kidney energy. Kidney energy contains our original inherited essence. And, as the source of all Yin and Yang energies, Kidney supports all the other organs’ ability to work together and function. Learn the keys to strengthening and improving good digestion and Kidney power through foods, acupressure and more. |